Browsing All Posts filed under »Team Building and Selection«

Do We Pay for Precision?

August 15, 2014


Earlier this week, I had the occasion to visit Milwaukee.  The trip was a mixture of business and pleasure. Including the airline arrival, I was able to sample four separate modes of transportation by limiting myself to the urban core during my stay. What I noticed from each of the experiences was how drastically they differed based on my […]

New Ideas on Healthcare CEO Search

June 20, 2014


Daniel Sinnott, CEO of his eponymous executive search firm, wrote a thoroughly excellent piece on how healthcare CEO searches should adapt to find more appropriate candidates. Leadership is a struggle in these difficult industry times for healthcare, and the head of an organization influences much of the hard-to-change but needs-to-change aspects of the care giving business. […]

Team Selection Costs Everyone

May 7, 2014


Pursuing work costs any enterprise money—opportunity cost as it is discussed in business.  When a hospital needs ideas from professionals, it costs both the hospital and the professionals money to find each other and complete the business development courtship to win a job, regardless of formalities.  Several past posts have noted how hospitals affect this investment from the […]

World-Class Design: A Run in With a Ferrari

March 10, 2014


I listened intently to the Director of Planning, Design and Construction and how his healthcare system was preparing to roll out a new Children’s hospital.  This Director, for a system known for innovation and above-average industry performance, was lamenting how his new Children’s hospital would open and likely need renovations within 60 days.  “I bet my next […]

High School Geometry Proves Team Qualifications

August 20, 2013


In tenth grade, I was subjected to the torture of geometry, and more specifically proofs, which were unlike any math I had ever encountered. As was the case for me with higher level math, it took time for the material to make sense—long after my lesson and class year had finished. For half of the year, […]

In-In or No Deal

June 10, 2013


Many have heard the “win-win or no deal” statement bandied about in negotiation—mutual benefit for both parties or no agreement. Well, this has nothing to do with that.  The “W” is not missing.  In this case, the full title is:  Integrate-Integrate or No Deal. The fine gentlemen at Ingersoll Rand were in the office for […]

Loyalty is Dead—Even in Healthcare

April 30, 2013


Retail healthcare is advancing in sophistication, and this is a good thing. Healthcare providers continue to reach out more into the community with outpatient services, going to the people—this is progressive.  Historically, most hospitals have played from a position of strength in the healthcare delivery relationship:  patients come to us. Hospitals continue to become more […]

Adjusting Expectations Redux

December 6, 2012


Eleven months ago I wrote about how communication between two people can be a challenge because of a major difference in expectations. At that time, I related the story of a critical access hospital (CAH) CEO that, with USDA loans in hand in November 2010, was “ready to begin” his new replacement project…or so I thought. […]

Why Hospitals Don’t Buy

October 29, 2012


A week or so ago I blogged about the “noise” in the healthcare market, and how that noise affects strategy for companies trying to better service healthcare providers. Right now, architects and builders simply do not know what hospitals need, what they are going to do, or why, so it is a challenge to provide market-leading thought […]

A/E/C Fees Not Worth a War

October 4, 2012


In his hilarious stand-up, “For What It’s Worth”, comedian Dave Chappelle set up a humorous routine on judgment and capabilities of kids in the news when he famously asked: “How old is fifteen, really?” Borrowing Chappelle’s approach, in regard to judgment and capabilities of A/E/C teams (but with all humor aside) I now ask:  how […]