Browsing All posts tagged under »noise«

Healing With the Ear In Mind

June 12, 2013


Acoustics in hospitals is finally being heard. The loudness of the hospital environment, and its negative effect on healing, is now a topic healthcare administrators want to listen to.  I think that is because it is now linked to the CMS patient satisfaction scores, and hence reimbursement rates.  Sadly, most healthcare systems are so buried under […]

Why Hospitals Don’t Buy

October 29, 2012


A week or so ago I blogged about the “noise” in the healthcare market, and how that noise affects strategy for companies trying to better service healthcare providers. Right now, architects and builders simply do not know what hospitals need, what they are going to do, or why, so it is a challenge to provide market-leading thought […]

Cutting Through the Noise

October 22, 2012


Business owners and marketing professionals especially, call general blather and inflated industry talk “noise”.  Noise is generated by uninformed media, irresponsible journalism, and hollow reports trying to predict things that cannot be predicted. Somewhere in the noise is a nugget or two of fact and useful information, but for the most part, noise distracts and confuses people trying to […]