Speed: the ED’s Welcome Mat

Posted on August 5, 2011


The WSJ had a recent article on ED wait times.

This is not the first, nor the last, article on hospital EDs. However, the marketing aspect of the article is noteworthy. What the public is likely to see more of are stories focused on how healthcare service is improving.

Service is important because it is part of the improved quality, transparency and outcomes focus of recent federal legislation. In order to eliminate the apparent waste in the healthcare system (which is believed to be driving costs up), these three aspects of care will receive quite a bit of focus for the immediate future.

The other notable part of the article is how public hospitals are becoming with their ED wait times. At once something to be buried, stellar wait times now provide bragging rights, and are more than publicly celebrated (often times on hospital websites or on Twitter), but used to improve the hospital brand.

I wonder which other aspects of healthcare will become ad-worthy as we move into and through this murky yet exciting reformation period?